Science is about discovering new things and pushing boundaries!
Ada Lovelace
Our Intent
The intent of our Science curriculum at Norbreck Primary Academy is to nurture a profound appreciation for the subject, fostering curiosity and critical thinking skills. Our primary aim is to develop a deep understanding of scientific concepts and ignite a passion for exploration of the natural world. With a well-structured and ambitious curriculum, we aim to provide all pupils with a solid foundation in key scientific principles, ensuring progression in knowledge and skills throughout their primary education.
English and Maths are closely linked with science. Scientific vocabulary is very important, and children use a wide range of reference books to research specific topics. 'Sticky knowledge' is revised through reading comprehensions and games/quizzes. This enables children to have a detailed and connected knowledge of the curriculum to remember and make links to what they have previously been taught. Investigative skills require pupils to use a variety of measurements. Children need to be able to obtain and present evidence using a wide range of methods.
Cultural Capital
Here at Norbreck we follow the Science Capital Teaching Approach, which helps children to identify and engage with science, and provides them with the confidence and capacity to engage critically with scientific content. This will better enable them to take action in their lives. This includes being critical consumers of science stories in the news, making decisions about the physical and mental wellbeing of themselves and others, and caring for the planet.
We will develop
- A science identity -a child’s sense of themselves as being ‘science-y’. This means being someone who does, and cares about, science, and who is recognised as such by others. We engage in teaching and learning practices that explore and challenge social inequities and a greater diversity of children.
- A critical science agency – the capacity to use science knowledge, skills and practices to take action on issues that matter to their own lives.
- A science-related trajectory – the ability to see one’s future as being science-related, either through participation in formal science.
How we Implement Science at Norbreck
At Norbreck, we aim to deliver science activities that are purposeful and practical. Children of all ages are encouraged to set up and conduct enquiries by themselves or as part of a group after initial input from a teacher to explain the substantive knowledge needed to conduct the investigation. Teacher-led investigations and demonstrations are sometimes conducted when the teacher considers the practical element of the enquiry too dangerous for children to handle.
Children learn disciplinary knowledge through the six different types of enquiry (comparative testing, classifying, observing over time, pattern seeking, problem-solving and researching) and the seven skills needed to conduct scientific enquiries (asking questions, making predictions, setting up tests, observing over time, recording results, interpreting & communicating results, and evaluating). The symbols for each enquiry type and skill are displayed in each classroom and referred to by the class teacher during science lessons.
Scientific Enquiry
Scientific Skills
Adaptive teaching is used to suit the needs of individuals within each class and challenge is encouraged in all lessons.
Long Term Planning
Science Knowledge Matrix Years 1-6
Working Scientifically Matrix Years 1-6
Progression in vocabulary EYFS-Y6
As scientists, Norbreck Primary Academy pupils will be able to...
- Evidence a deep conceptual understanding of scientific principles through the application of knowledge in real-world contexts and collaborative scientific projects.
- Make significant progress in Science, attaining and exceeding age-related expectations, with clear evidence of progression in scientific skills and knowledge.
- Foster a positive attitude towards Science, demonstrating a keen interest, intrinsic motivation, and a growth mindset towards tackling scientific challenges.
At Norbreck, teachers will promote inclusivity and diversity within Science education, celebrating pupils' varied contributions and achievements, and ensuring that all learners have equal access to high-quality Science education.
Pupil Voice
At Norbreck Primary Academy, we value the opinions and perspectives of our students in evaluating the effectiveness of our Science teaching. By actively listening to our children, we gain valuable insights into their experiences and perceptions, enabling us to enhance the delivery of our Science curriculum and ensure high-quality teaching practices.
Science is where you do experiments to learn new things. Scientists find out new things about the world.
I love it when we go outside to be nature detectives with our clipboards and spy glasses.
Lucas Year 2
I loved experimenting with different electrical circuits to light up my lighthouse.
Harry Year 6
I love investigating in Science and learning about the world. It's so interesting. One day I hope to be a Marine Scientist.
Samuel Year 4
I love science lessons because we do lots of interesting investigations and find things out for ourselves.
Ishtar Year 5
Science fascinates me because every day you learn something new. I enjoy learning about our universe through astronomy. However, when I grow up, I want to be a palaeontologist because I love looking at fossils and working out what creatures they belonged to.
Oliver Year
I love testing theories and seeing if the hypotheses are true or false!
My favourite topic so far has been the Solar System.
Chloe Year 5
Year 6 Visit to Montgomery Academy to dissect a pig's heart
On Thursday, we went to Montgomery to do a heart dissection. It was a fascinating trip because we got to hold and cut a real heart. I really loved the trip as I felt independent because I got to handle the heart without being told what to do. Overall, it was an amazing trip and I loved it.
Pippa Y6
I was nervous about dissecting a pig heart at first but I really enjoyed it and learnt so much.
Erica Y6
Dissecting a pig heart is one of those experiences you'll never forget!
Evelyn Y6
Don't think it's disgusting, it was really good fun. Thank you to the teachers who made it happen!
Harmony Y6
Dissecting a heart is the best thing I've every done and I really enjoyed it!
Ashton Y6