Home Page
Norbreck Primary Academy

Class 1B

Welcome to Class 1B


Teacher: Mrs H Brady   

Teaching Assistant: Mrs K Muns



Welcome to Class 1B's webpage. We hope you find out all the information you need. Have a look at our useful links at the bottom of this page.


Class Information


Reading books are sent home on a Friday. The children will have read this book three times during the week and should manage to read this at home . Books are to be returned to school on a Monday.


Sharing books are chosen by your child for you to read together at home. As soon as you are ready for a new book, please encourage your child to return it and choose a new one. 


We will have PE on Monday afternoons. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school. We will send it home at the end of each half term.


From January, homework will be Maths or English related and will be sent every Friday via Seesaw.


Your child will need to bring a water bottle which will be washed and refilled in school and sent home on a Friday.


It is so important that all of your child's belongings are named to avoid any disappointment.


Thank you for your support.


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Useful Links


