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Norbreck Primary Academy


Reading in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1


We use a variety of different books in school to help us teach reading and foster a love of books. We want to build up confident, competent readers who have a real enjoyment of books.

Each week, Reception and Year 1 children take part in reading practice sessions using books matched to the children’s secure phonics knowledge. They work in a small group and read a Little Wandle fully decodable reading book in school. The reading practice sessions focus on three key reading skills:

*prosody: teaching children to read with understanding and expression
*comprehension: teaching children to understand the text.

The decodable reading practice book is then assigned as an e-book to read at home and ensure success is shared with the family.
In addition, each child chooses their own ‘sharing book’ to take home each week to read, discuss and enjoy with a grown up.

Children also draw on their own experiences (the language and stories they know), the setting of the story and the pictures to help them understand what they are reading about. Comprehension skills are vital in making sense of what the words say and interpreting meaning.

 In school, we use a range of ways to teach and practise reading such as shared reading, phonics, guided reading, group reading, Individual reading, ‘buddy’ reading, storytime and reading at home.

Accelerated Reader


In 2017 we introduced Accelerated Reader. This runs from Year 3 up to Year 6.

If you want to know more about Accelerated Reader you can follow this link

From the Accelerated Reader website you can also download the Accelerated Reader App and the Book Finder.


The National Literacy Trust’s second independent research report into the reading habits of students using Accelerated Reader...

“Children and young people who use AR tend to enjoy reading more, do it more often and think more positively about reading than their peers who do not use AR. They are also more likely to see a link between reading and their successes.”

Dr Christina Clark, National Literacy Trust


Pupils who use Accelerated Reader are more likely to:

  • enjoy reading
  • have a favourite book
  • agree that reading is cool
  • read regularly at least once a week outside class
  • agree that they will get a better job when they grow up if they are good at reading